Can i just pop into the main audi dealership where the car was bought from and request a new service book and for them to stamp it accordingly if it has had its service from them. I have just bought a car, but it has no log book or tax, i ive just look around the dvla site and as far as i can see it will take up to six weeks to get a log book until then i cannot tax it, and i have nowhere of road to keep it until i do but the site has so many forms leaflets etc maybe i missed something. May 31, 2017 the car has just had 1 previous owner and i know which audi dealership the car was bought from originally. Buying a car with no v5 general dealer chat car dealer. The new keeper wont be able to tax the vehicle without it. Ive since sent off a log book claim along with my green part of the v5 2 weeks back and nothing received as yet. Bought a car with no logbook, posted in motor mouth section. Change the channel select site singletrack tech singletrack snow gritcx singletrack charged. Dont forget once a car is sold the dvla now automatically cancel the road tax even if there is still a paper disc in the car and issue the seller with a refund. Full guide on selling your car without car log book. I did not recieve any form when purchasing the car to be sent off. Own a car, and youll have a registration document that proves it. When your vehicle excise duty or car tax if you want to dispense with formalities is up for renewal, you should get a v11 reminder letter. She promised to pop it through my door as soon as it came back.
Ive just bought a used car from a local dealer, who gave me the complete v5 certificate to send off for new registration. V5 registration not signed motoring discussion back. Bought a car 6 weeks ago from a friend of a friend. Bought a car with no logbook, motor mouth section the.
When i bought the car i felt that the aftersales service would include the garage sending away for a new log book, afterall they were quick enough to demand the log book for my old car off me. The v5c logbook is the most important document to have when youre. Check the vehicle identification number and engine number. After all, the vehicle logbook is a record of the registered keeper, not proof of. Anyway, i went to the local dvla office and they sold me a tax disc straight away. Well dont worry all can be remedied and im going to tell how. Depending on your circumstances and whether youre buying or selling a car without a v5. If you buy a vehicle that doesnt have a v5c vehicle registration certificate log book, you may not be able to tax it. Feb 28, 2010 they said in order to recieve a log book which apparently makes me the new owner, i need to send off a form. Once they have bought your car, you will need to fill out the v5c2 new keeper supplement of the v5c. Collision and comprehensive insurance add a significant cost element to insurance over straight liability. I have had to insure the car for obvious reasons and the car has been stuck on the drive for the last seven weeks so i have lost nearly two months insurance, and extra travelling costs. I bought a car at the start of june but have never received the log book, presumably because the original owner failed to send off his part of the v5.
If you are intending to buy a car but it still has a blue logbook, ask the seller to request a new red version from the dvla before you pay them any money. How to sell a car without a v5c logbook 2020 update. Just send your original blue logbook with a covering. They said in order to recieve a log book which apparently makes me the new owner, i need to send off a form. Bought new car, previous owner refusing to hand over v5.
Download the document titled apply for a vehicle registration certificate form v62. If they purchase your car without a v5c document, they could then discover. When you sell your car, youll need the v5c to be transferred to the new owner, or they wont be able to register for vehicle tax. There is no fee to get a log book for a new vehicle. We buy a lot of stuff with v5 to apply and sell without and take customer to our local post office at point of sale and complete v62 with their details and the nice lassie even taxs car without v5 and sends completed v62 form away after. The guy who i bought the car off tore off a slip for me. But its not recommended to sell your car until you have all the paperwork in place. This section then tears off as a slip that you give to the buyer as proof that they now own. Mar, 20 bought a car with no logbook, posted in motor mouth section. Hi i bought a car about two months ago and have still not recieved the log book in order to tax the car. If you are planning on selling your car, but youve realised you dont have your log book, you. In general, there are no laws or rules providing a return period when you purchase a vehicle. May 05, 2020 a car s tax status is also recorded on the v5c so if you are buying a classic car and want to make sure it qualifies for the zero rate road tax you need to check it is listed as a. You can sell or scrap your car even if you dont have the v5c.
If youve already bought your personalised registration number, theres nothing to pay here. Aug 26, 2015 new v5c log book rules for car buyers and sellers what you need to know much like the recent rule changes with tax discs and driving licence counterparts, the dvla continues its drive to reduce paperwork and has brought the v5c document in line. Ive often taxed car s and bikes without a log book if ive just bought the vehicle. Apr 29, 2020 once they have bought your car, you will need to fill out the v5c2 new keeper supplement of the v5c. If you buy a car with no log book how do you get a new one to tax it do you need the details of the person you bought the car from. If you bought a car and never received the v5c, youll not need to pay the. Bought a car with no log book moneysavingexpert forum. Send it to the dvla with the green new keepers details slip v5c2 that you got when you bought the vehicle.
I only have detachable slip with his name from old log book. This is called the v5c, and it shows that youre the registered keeper of the car and your. Maybe you bought a car and the car dealer or private seller never sent the cars log book onto you. In fact, there generally arent any laws or rules providing a return period. New v5c log book rules for car buyers and sellers what you need to know much like the recent rule changes with tax discs and driving licence counterparts, the dvla continues its drive to reduce paperwork and has brought the v5c document in line. A logbook loan isnt used to buy the car, its where someone takes out a loan using the car as security and the logbook is taken to help prevent them selling the car. Make sure the details in the log book match the details youve been given. If you did not get a log book for your new vehicle. Neat, red lined pages with neat indexing for you to get to particular sections. Buying a car with no v5 general dealer chat car dealer forum. Is it right that you get no service book with a new a3. If he wants to sell wait for him to receive a new log book from the dvla.
You then send it to dvla with the green new keeper slip you were given when you bought the vehicle and the good news is you wont have to. Dont forget to put your plates on your car before you drive it and let the insurance company know that you have a new reg too. Download and fill in an application for a log book v62. I couldnt find my log book when i was seeing my car recently, you can order a new one over the phone from the dvla it costs.
I bought a new ford fusion from a very huge well known ford dealer in ky. The guy who i bought the car off tore off a slip for me and said he was to send of the form, and he left with it. Can i just pop into the main audi dealership where the car was bought from and request a new service book and for them to stamp it. How to tell dvla that youve bought a vehicle national numbers. Its issued by the dvla and when the car is being sold on for new ownership, both the seller and the buyer will have to fill out sections of the log book. How to transfer a private registration number to another car. At the time the owner told me theyd just moved house true and v5 was with dvla having address changed.
I was in a complete panic thinking id bought a car without a log book. Replacement log book car body repair dublin smart cpr. The car has just had 1 previous owner and i know which audi dealership the car was bought from originally. I also filled in a form with my address to get a new log book sent to me and they didnt even query it.
If you have mislaid a cars log book and any accompanying invoices, yet you know the car was serviced by dealers that are franchised by the manufacturer, all you have to do is contact your local showroom. You can also inform the dvla that youve sold your car, or transferred or bought another vehicle online via the uk government website. The v5c, also known as the registration document or log book and commonly shortened to v5, is the document that legally registers and proves ownership of a vehicle. Youll need to apply for a v5c logbook using a v62 application which. Just fill in the application form for a new log book at the post office and hand that in when you get the tax from the post office. What i got was an unexpected bonus of also gas consumption and mileage. Lads i dont know if the above will apply to me or not but heres my story, right i bought an 89 mini mayfair off of what i can only describe as an itinerant and i didnt recieve a logbook with the car and going back to him isnt an option as from what i could tell him house was a bomb site.
I just got a cardboard envelope type thing to keep service receipts in. Buying a used car, however the garage has now lost log book. The thing is theres no rhyme or reason as to why the dvla are on a go slow at the moment as i bought my car nearly two months ago now and the previous owner sent the log book off the very next. I have had to insure the car for obvious reasons and the car has been stuck on the drive for the last seven weeks so i have lost nearly two months insurance. I traded in my 2000 chevy cavalier which was paid for.
No v5, no help other than applying for one which takes 46 weeks if youre a new owner. Sure just having log books doesnt mean a car is in good condition, and not having them doesnt mean its in crap condition, but a car with log books stamped for every service is less likely to have been completely neglected, whereas a car with no log books may have only had the initial free service where they dont even change the oil, so for. You should also consider gap insurance when you have a car loan because the vehicle likely depreciates faster than your loan balance decreases. My friend has bought a car her mechanic brother got her one and apparently it was all done through insurance blah blah blah. Mar 29, 2018 if youve already bought your personalised registration number, theres nothing to pay here. If you dont have a v11 reminder, you can also use the number your v5c log book. Send it to dvla with the green new keeper slip you were given when you bought the vehicle.
In return, the dvla will send you a new log book with your personalised registration number included. To check the v5c is the latest issued use the vehicle enquiry service. Apr 27, 2020 11 digit reference number on your log book v5c or, if youve just bought the vehicle, the 12 digit reference number on your new keeper supplement v5c2 should you wish to have realtime answers to your questions, try our chat box on the lower right corner of our page. How to recover a cars missing service history green flag. Itll be able to access the cars service history and produce copies upon proof that you are the vehicle owner or registered keeper. However, its much simpler to scrap your car if youve managed to retain it. V5 registration not signed motoring discussion back room. Oct 23, 2015 the auto log holds no pretensions to glory. If you are looking for a cheap car and dont want a shed look at buying a cat dc write off that has been correctly repaired these can be a fraction of the price. I bought this because i wanted to start keeping a running log of all my vehicle repairs and oil changes. Mar 15, 20 is it right that you get no service book with a new a3. To get a new v5c in this instance, youll have to apply by post by sending off a v62 and the v5c2 thats the green new keeper slip. Dvla advises motorists not to buy a vehicle if it doesnt have a v5c logbook. This will cover the blue book value of your car minus whichever deductible you choose.
When you sell your car, youll need the v5c to be transferred to the new owner, or. Why havent i recieved my logbook car registration certificate. Updating information is quicker online, but you still need your v5c log book information. By law, you do not need to have your v5c registration certificate log book for the vehicle you are looking to scrap. Most new v5cs are now red but some older ones may not be. In most cases, its merely the policy of companies and retailers like walmart or target to allow refunds, rather than a legal obligation. The simplest ways to sell a car legally without a v5.
Send it to dvla with the green new keeper slip you were given when you bought. Ive bought a car to sell but it didnt come with a logbook as its a cat s. Jun 11, 2015 dvla advises motorists not to buy a vehicle if it doesnt have a v5c logbook. Just put this number into the online tax service and follow the steps. A log book is important if you ever sell your car or if you are buying a used car. Unfortunately though, ive just noticed today that the previous owner hasnt signed or dated the previouse registered keeper section so i have the entire v5 with no signatures at all. Personally i wouldnt hand over any cash if there is no log book. Once ive repaired it ill need a v5c to sell it, as im sure many people would find it undesirable to buy a car without a v5c. How to get a replacement vehicle log book using form v62. But youll still need your v5c log book to hand and the service is only available from 7am to 7pm.
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